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Clearings for the Cancer Zodiac Sign

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, superstitions, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, and from what you may have experienced in relation to being born under the zodiac sign of Cancer.

We spend our life absorbing all that is around us, sponging up all experiences as references for what life is all about, what is safe, what is not, how we should be, etc, etc. These learnings can affect our choices of what being an adult is at a deep level, and when something then happens at some point in our life these can get triggered off, and we can end up feeling fearful, and react to situations in inappropriate ways. This can be further impacted by our star sign.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearings around mood swings, pessimistic, suspiciousness, insecurity and other personality traits of the Cancer, etc. Bringing balance around the positive traits of being born under this sign of loyalty, emotional, sympathetic, the ability to listen to others, dependability, balanced self-control, accessing your inner strengths, your ambitions and much more

You have two versions of the track one with a background of music and one without, both hold the same frequency.

Ideally, listen to once a week for a month, then whenever you wish.

Each time you listen it will help to clear the next layer of imbalances that come to the surface ready to be healed around anything getting in the way of us accessing inner peace.

The recording was completed in the Gemini energies – so has many extra energies imbued into it.

Remember to download this onto your phone, computer, ipad, etc.

Short Video About the MP3

 (approximately 31 minutes long without music and 32 minutes with music)