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Peace Within Specials Page

Please download and use this free mp3 to help to support your system on a day to day, weekly or monthly basis. The clearings have a gentle music playing in the background. The mp3 is about 17 minutes long and was tailor made to help each and every one of us with releasing karma and being balanced during Equinoxes.

Please download and use this free mp3 to help to support your system on a day to day, weekly or monthly basis. The clearings have a gentle music playing in the background. The mp3 is about 13 minutes long and was tailor made to help each and every one of us with transversing life during these tumultuous times.

During these turbulent times Amanda is continuing to work with people over the phone / Skype / Zoom / Google Meet- now more than ever we need to find time to be centred - much easier said than done we know. Please use this downloadable mp3 to help with stress. 

This call is to help support us during these extraordinary times to 'Allow us to Access Inner Peace.'

  • Are you worried about what is going to happen?
  • Are you feeling lonely and/or overwhelmed?
  • Are you struggling to find balance?
  • Do you feel constricted/trapped/held-back?
  • Are you struggling to deal with the emotions of what is happening?

If you find yourself saying yes to any of these, or notice the patterns in your family then, please then listen to the free call where we can help to release anything getting in the way of being able to deal with the now. These patterns maybe taken on from others or are linked into what our ancestors have been through!


This call is to help support us during these extraordinary times to 'Balancing the Weirdness of the Now!'

  • Are you finding yourself in a state of anxiety or worry?
  • Are you feeling lonely, despairing, overwhelmed, etc?
  • Are you struggling to find balance in life?
  • Do you feel trapped / exhausted / lost / held-back?
  • Are you struggling to deal with the emotions of what is happening all around you?
  • Are you worried about the future?

If you find yourself saying yes to any of these, or notice the patterns in your family then, please then listen to the free call where we can help to release anything getting in the way of being able to deal with the now. These patterns maybe taken on from others or are linked into what our ancestors have been through!

This 30 minute recording is to help support us during these extraordinary times to 'Balancing Our Energies and Allow Inner Peace to Ensue'

  • Are you finding yourself having to justify your decisions?
  • Are you feeling pressured into having / not having the vaccine?
  • Do you want the vaccine but due to health issues are unable to have it?
  • Do you feel pulled by negative thoughts, emotions, events in life and just don’t know what to do for the best?
  • Are you struggling to find self-compassion or to know what feels right for you?
  • Are you worried about the future?

If you find yourself saying yes to any of these, or notice the patterns in your family then, please then listen to the free call where we can help to release anything getting in the way of being able to deal with the now. These patterns maybe taken on from others or are linked into what our ancestors have been through!

Click here for the document entitled After a Group Event with Amanda Brooks. It’s important that all participants read this document.

Please download the above MP3 for Inner Peace and Tranquility - this mp3 is infused with healing frequencies to help support everyone with the world events. Please do not listen whilst driving.

This MP3 is downloadable and can be listened to once or twice a week for 3 weeks and, thereafter, just once a month, until you feel you have made the most of the recording. Each time you listen it deepens the healings, initially please listen intently (whilst lying or sitting still), after that you can have it playing in the background (it is 18 minutes long).

  • With Infinity Healing we go straight to your own Source of energy to do the healing, this takes out the ego for as much as our mind feels it knows what is going on, there is so much that we do not know. By allowing Source to do the healing, then Everything is possible, what can happen will happen. Source is the ultimate healer and connecting directly with your being and working on the areas that are ready to be worked on.
  • During the recording we: connect to Source, balance the left and right brain, divine masculine and feminine, mind body and soul, do a full system upgrade, cleansing, connection to Source, aligns the chakras, ground to the planet, clear limiting beliefs, programs, perceptions and perspectives, download love based beliefs from Source, see things from the highest perspective, we do a mind and heart process to keep you in your heart space and not in the mind. We work on the core challenge and set it on auto pilot. We do a process to expand your loving energy to the whole Universe. We connect to the higher dimensions. 
  • Infinity healing works on all space time and dimensions: It doesn’t matter if the challenge stemmed from ancestors, it is a collective consciousness thing, Source will work on it in all space time and dimensions and share the healing with your childhood, ancestors and family.


Water Energy Programmes to help support our immune systems and to deal with the stress of what is happening in the World. Just grab yourself a drink and within a minute it will be infused with energetic support for your health and emotional well-being. Each drink can only be programmed with one video. Enjoy!

For more information visit

Over the last 30 years I have become increasingly aware of the effects that electromagnetic radiation is having on our health, these may be man-made WiFi, Smart meters, digital TV's, mobile phone, etc and geo-pathis - Earth Fault Lines. I personally use a range of products, as do all the members of my family, to help support our energy systems.

I have looked further into these products and in essence they are able to bring our meridian systems into balance and protect our human biofield from a range of over 30 stressors (man-made such as 5G along with geopathic and other lesser known culprits). This enables our immune system to be less compromised. This seems pretty important at a time when we need our immune systems to be as strong as possible. The website goes into more of the technical detail if it interests you and explains how it is tested etc.

These products do not lose their effectiveness or protection ability over time and they do not interfere with your technology. 

I hope you find this information of some use.