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One Off Calls

A special one-off event of Peace-Making and Ancestral Clearing Calls around clearing any limitations/beliefs that are creating patterns around  ‘Mind chatter and how it can hold us back, that will help you to live your life free from your ancestor’s burdens – often referred to as karma – that block you from finding peace within life.

A special one-off event of Peace-Making and Ancestral Clearing Calls around clearing any limitations/beliefs that are creating patterns around  ‘Families and Enjoying My Space', that will help you to live your life free from your ancestor’s burdens – often referred to as karma – that block you from finding peace within life.

This was a special one-off event of Peace-Making and Ancestral Clearing Calls around clearing any limitations/beliefs that are creating patterns around  ‘Drama Addiction', that will help you to live your life free from your ancestor’s burdens – often referred to as karma – that block you from finding peace within life.

Amanda hosted a special one-off downloadable call of Peace-Making and Ancestral Clearings around clearing any limitations/beliefs that are in the way of  ‘Planning for the Future', that will help you to live your life free from your ancestor’s burdens – often referred to as karma – that block you from finding peace within life.

Click details below to find out more.

Conception to Birth Clearings

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, and from what you may have experienced in utero.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearing our field of not being open to nourishment, fears around our effect on our parents life, etc, and anywhere that has occurred in our ancestral line, expectations and disappointments, etc.

Birth to Age 7 Clearings

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, and from what you may have experienced in your first seven years.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearing our field of not being open to nourishment, constraints, restraints on our choices, etc, and anywhere that has occurred in our ancestral line, not reaching for our goals, desires, etc.

 Age 7 to End of Education Clearings

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, and from what you may have experienced from age seven to end of education years.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearing our field of constraints, restraints on our options and choices, exam stresses, school ground dramas, hormonal imbalances, social interactions, nurturance and anywhere that has occurred in our ancestral line, not reaching for our goals, desires, etc.

Moon Phases Clearings

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, superstitions, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, and from what you may have experienced in relation to phases of the moon.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearings around emotions, sleep and the moon cycles, fear and eclipses, super moons, religions and sacrifice energy, etc and anywhere that has occurred in our ancestral line, resulting in us having an underlying imbalance around the natural cycles of the moon.

Clearing and Harmonising Old Money Beliefs

This track has been designed with many energy clearings to help release any negative beliefs, thoughts, concepts, etc that have been passed down through the family line, from culture and from what you may have experienced in relation to what money means.

This mp3 includes clearings around the above, plus clearings around emotions, around how safe it is to have money, what we think of people that are wealthy, debt, the economy, limiting beliefs we may have about ourselves, deep fears and restrictions to a sense of inner freedom to attract wealth. We bring in positive attributes in order to fill the space that we have cleared within, leaving a sense of wonder and an openness to more positive opportunities coming our way.

You can purchase the four calls that made up the in-depth self-sabotage call sereis, where we dived deep into patterns that had been holding our ancestors and ourselves back in life.

The calls were:-

‘Clearing Patterns of Self-Sabotage’

‘Clearing ancestral patterns linked to self-sabotage’

‘Clearing and harmonising our childhood of patterns and belief systems linked to self-sabotage’

‘Allowing ourselves to be in alignment with self-belief, inner balance and peace of mind’

Short video to make the most of the session