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End of Month Harmony Calls

How would you like to clear the cobwebs of the last month away, so you feel more balanced as you get ready for the next?

Each month over this year Amanda will be clearing the stress and events within the month that have resulted in imbalances in your energy system. These events and dramas can be happening directly to you or around you and, can trigger off old unresolved emotions from you or your ancestors!

The group calls will be one hour long, on the last Saturday of the month at 10am and will cost £13 (or less if paid by subscription). If you would like to join either live or on the replay – which will be up for the whole of the month, then please purchase and sign up here for this month’s call.

You can also purchase the replay - which is equally as effective to use, clearing the previous months stories, dramas and unresolved emotions in the comfort of your own home.

For over 30 years Amanda has assisted people all over the world in clearing these blocks and burdens. Most of her client’s report ‘a lightening of their load’, an ‘ability to cope with life and all it throws at them with a greater sense of ease’, ‘a feeling of peacefulness’, etc. 

 End of Month Harmony Calls


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