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Peace-Making Script

Offered by Amanda Brooks

You may speak this script either aloud or silently as many times daily as you feel. Repeating it five or more times will bring optimal results, but, even one or two times each day will not only anchor the results you received in the session but also address future karma. As the words are encoded with a direct connection to consciousness itself and the intelligence structured within it, reading/speaking them connects you with the true source of all health and well-being: The Infinite Creator.

Infinite Creator, Source of all that is, for me, all my family members, all our relationships, all our ancestors throughout all time, space and dimension, please help us all to forgive ourselves, forgive each other, and all people forgive us, completely and totally, please and thank you, please and thank, please and thank you.

For all the times we hurt ourselves or others – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially, or in any other way through thought, word or deed, knowingly or not knowingly, for all times we acted out of integrity, for all pain, judgements and hardship and all that we made that mean: Please help us all to forgive each other, forgive ourselves, forgive all people and all people forgive us, completely and totally. Please and thank you, please and thank, please and thank you.

For all conflicts, differences, misunderstandings, for the times there was judgement, blame, injustice, bullying, for all mistreatment either we did to another, or another to us, for the times any of us projected our issues onto each other, onto our spouses, onto our children, onto our lovers, please help all of us to forgive and release each other, forgive and release ourselves, no matter what, please and thank you, please and thank you, please and thank you.

Please Infinite Creator, Source of all that is, help us to love and bless each other, love and bless ourselves, be at peace with ourselves and peace with each other, please and thank you, please and thank you, please and thank you.

Special thanks to visionary Howard Wills and John Newton for their innovative forgiveness work.