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March: Recalibrating Your Energy to Hold More Wealth

On the 8th March there will be an ancestral clearing call on the topic ‘Recalibrating Your Energy to Hold More Wealth’

This call is downloadable and you can get it at a slight discount by subscribing on a monthly basis, please visit this link to see what options are available. Or to pay the full price click the link below.

  • Do you feel limited in what you can achieve, earn or learn?
  • Do you constantly strive for more only to feel you are back down at the bottom?
  • Are there moment’s when you feel life is passing you by?
  • Do you feel that you resonate with scarcity and poverty consciousness more than with abundance?
  • Does your mind frequently go to the worse case scenarios?
  • Would you like to be more in the energy of positivity?
  • Would you like to access inner contentment, balance and inner peacefulness?

If you say yes to any of the above then listen to the 60 minute call that is designed to help clear any imbalances that may be caught in the energy of old patterns that have contributed to a restricted wealth alignment vibrational pattern, these patterns can be from culture and society we live in, from our ancestors, or it may be a linked to events you have experienced when young that created ‘a frozen in time moment’, it may be strong emotions that holds you in a story, thus creating a structure of how life will be in relation to your acceptance in the world. 

Any of these imbalances could manifest in feeling we are stuck, that no matter what we do things won’t change, unworthy of abundance, happiness or anything, have low self-esteem, insomnia, isolation, deep embarrassment, emotional turmoil, relationship problems, career imbalances, etc.

The call is designed to help you move past these energetic imbalances, thus allowing you to feel more peaceful within to let go of what was and just be in the now, to feel more vibrant, lucky, thus allowing life and choices to flow more easily, to be in the now and to achieve your goals with more ease.

This call is downloadable and you can get it at a slight discount by subscribing on a monthly basis, please visit this link to see what options are available. Or to pay the full price click the link below.