Clearing Karmic Shadows of Distrust
There was an ancestral clearing call on the optic ‘Karmic Shadows of Distrust’
- Do you find it difficult to trust?
- Do you find yourself attracting in similar situations of Distrust time and time again?
- Do you find yourself doing what others want and in essence betray your own sense of what feels right?
- Do you find yourself feeling a low sense of self-worth, a sense of guilt and / or blame yourself for all that happens?
- Do you doubt your decisions – possibly leading to confusion, procrastination, looking outside of yourself for help and thereby leading to giving your power away?
- Do you suffer with nightmares, sleep disturbances, feeling on edge?
- Would you like to feel more peaceful, more able to know who and what to trust, to make positive choices and feel more content within?
If you say yes to any of the above then listen to the 60 minute call that is designed to help clear any imbalances that may be caught in the energy of old patterns of Distrust, these patterns can be from culture and society we live in, from our ancestors, or it may be a linked to events you have experienced when young that created ‘a frozen in time moment’, it may be strong emotions that holds you in a story, thus creating a structure of how life will be in relation to your acceptance in the world.
Any of these imbalances could manifest in feeling people can’t be trusted, that people are out to take from you in some way, a fear of being successful, feeling humiliated or even ashamed of yourself at a deep level, you may want to disappear /disconnect, a sense of confusion, emotional turmoil, relationship problems, career imbalances, etc.
The call is designed to help you move past these energetic imbalances, thus allowing you to feel more peaceful within, more able to trust in yourself, feel more content, balanced and present, thus allowing life and choices to flow more easily, to be in the now.