On the 11th January there was an ancestral clearing call on the topic ‘Clearing Inner Blocks to Success’
- Do you often feel blocked when it comes to success?
- Do you feel you just can’t get ‘it’ right – whatever ‘it’ is?
- Do you feel caught in the hamster wheel of ‘if only…’?
- Do you worry about how you are going to achieve success, or how others would perceive you if you went for your goals?
- Does success feel like a driving pressure within or make you feel confused about how to do it?
- Would you like to feel more contentment, to let go of what was and just be in the now and feel more peaceful and in balance with your goals?
If you say yes to any of the above then listen to the 60 minute call that is designed to help clear any imbalances that may be caught in the energy of old patterns that have contributed to inner blocks to success, these patterns can be from culture and society we live in, from our ancestors, or it may be a linked to events you have experienced when young that created ‘a frozen in time moment’, it may be strong emotions that holds you in a story, thus creating a structure of how life will be in relation to your acceptance in the world.
Any of these imbalances could manifest in feeling there is something fundamentally wrong with you, that you are unworthy of love, success or anything, that others will not like you if they knew you, you may even want to disappear /disconnect, have a sense of over responsibility, confusion, emotional turmoil, relationship problems, career imbalances, etc.
The call is designed to help you move past these energetic imbalances, thus allowing you to feel more peaceful within to let go of what was and just be in the now, to feel more content, balanced, thus allowing life and choices to flow more easily, to be in the now and to achieve your goals with more ease.
For over 30 years Amanda has assisted people all over the world in clearing these blocks and burdens. Most of her client’s report ‘a lightening of their load’, an ‘ability to cope with life and all it throws at them with a greater sense of ease’, ‘a feeling of peacefulness’, etc.
During the Peace-Making call Amanda will work directly with individuals written requests! There will be multiple clearings that can affect all areas of your life.
At the end of the call Amanda will work with a specific end of call clearing, which is carried out after the call, this is in addition to the call itself, and can be on any one topic that may be causing you concern.
There will be multiple clearings that can affect all areas of your life. It is important to allow yourself 15 minutes of quiet time following listening live or to the replay - this allows your system to make the necessary processing with the most ease.
When you register for this event, you will receive:
- Multiple Peace-Making and Ancestral Clearings during the session
- Amanda working directly with individuals written requests
- Your chance to send in your specific request for clearing in relation to the topic
- Your chance to send in your specific request for and end of call clearing on a topic of your choice
- Powerful healing “peace-making script” to use at home to support your progress
- The ability to download the call.
If you can’t attend the call live, the benefits are equally as powerful when listening to the recording that, will be, available to all registrants.
The recording will be downloadable.